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Custodial staffs restructured

The Custodial Department at Coastal Carolina University will be restructured to include a third shift. The restructuring is the result of the expanded use of many of our campus buildings into the evening hours and a reduced number of custodial staff. Some of the major changes resulting from this restructuring include:

Personal offices will not be cleaned on a daily basis. Trash removal and vacuuming will be done only on a weekly or biweekly basis. Faculty and staff should remove trash from their offices that contains food items to a central trash container in their buildings to avoid odor or pest problems between cleanings.

Custodial staff will no longer be assigned to one building, but will be moving from building to building on campus to accomplish their assigned tasks. They have been organized into crews and assigned multiple buildings for care.

First shift staff will be responsible for cleaning all campus restrooms. Should you have an emergency spill or clean up, contact the Facilities Management office so that they can send a staff member to address the problem.

Second shift staff will be responsible for cleaning alarmed areas on a weekly rotational basis, and for spiffing up restrooms during evening hours. Again, should you have an emergency spill or clean up, contact the Facilities Management office so that they can send a staff member to address the problem.

Third shift staff will be primarily responsible for floor care and trash removal from all areas apart from restrooms. They will address high traffic areas in buildings as first priority and remaining areas on a rotational basis.