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CCU trustees set tuition for 2012-2013; no increase for in-state undergraduate students

At its quarterly meeting on Feb. 17, the Board of Trustees of Coastal Carolina University made the decision not to increase in-state undergraduate tuition for the 2012-2013 academic year and, furthermore, to give all in-state resident students a $50 per semester credit on their tuition bill for the coming year.

This action by the board is the result of careful long-range planning by the University, according to CCU President David A. DeCenzo. “The reason we are in a position to maintain in-state tuition at its present rate and to administer this credit for our in-state students is because we cut $4 million from the University’s operating expenses during the past two years,” said DeCenzo. “We made the cuts at the direction of our board of trustees in order to operate more efficiently and keep tuition costs down.”