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CCU starts new student program

Coastal Carolina University is implementing a new student program called

This comprehensive prevention program aims to help students make the safest, healthiest decisions possible.

AlcoholEdu® for College, a two- to three-hour, Web-based alcohol prevention program, is being used at more than 500 colleges and universities around the country. The program uses the latest prevention techniques and science-based research to educate students about the impact of alcohol on the mind and body. Whether or not students drink alcohol, AlcoholEdu for College will empower students to make well-informed decisions about alcohol and help him or her better cope with the drinking behavior of peers.

Every incoming first-year student will be required to take AlcoholEdu for College and pass the course exam. All incoming students must complete Part 1 of the course by Aug. 16.

While we are committed to making a difference with our students, we also understand that parents are the first line of defense against alcohol misuse and abuse. That’s why AlcoholEdu® for Parents is also being made available.

AlcoholEdu for Parents is an online program designed to support conversations about alcohol that will help shape the decisions students must make in college surrounding alcohol use.

The program includes:
• A brief introduction and suggestions on the best way to start 15-minute conversations about alcohol between parent and student.
• An overview of the AlcoholEdu for College course structure and key concepts (five minutes).
• Direct access to AlcoholEdu for College, in an easy-to-use format that allows you to navigate freely from chapter to chapter (approximately three hours).
• Helpful resources, such as tips on talking to your college student about alcohol, fact sheets on alcohol’s effect on the brain, how alcohol impairs learning and memory, and more.

Parental participation is optional.

For more information, contact Counseling Services at 843-349-2305.