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Service Excellence more than customer service

It’s a new semester and a new year of opportunity for service excellence at Coastal Carolina University. The Feel the Teal Service Excellence Initiative is about all of us delivering the best academic and university experience through the creation of meaningful connections. It is about staff. It is about faculty. It is about everyone who interacts with someone at CCU.

Service excellence is much more than what some in higher education and industry at large call “customer service.”

Service excellence encompasses all the various ways we enhance the experience of all stakeholders who visit or contact Coastal Carolina University, the most important of which is the focus on student success.

Service excellence is about treating students, and one another, in a manner that emphasizes their value and importance.

Service excellence is about students receiving quality education inside and outside the classroom to prepare them for their future as productive, responsible, healthy citizens.

Service excellence is about visitors to our campus receiving a tour that elevates our campus over any other in their experiences.

Service excellence is about staff and faculty communicating effectively with each other to help our students navigate our processes as quickly as their effort allows.

Reaching accord on a name that we can all identify with – SERVICE EXCELLENCE – excites me because it highlights the broad group of campus leaders who, after a full year of pilot programs, retreats, training and evaluation, have ensured that "service excellence" is more than the name of an initiative: it is the standard of care and engagement on this campus.

I thank the faculty and staff members who have helped launch and develop this standard. Your efforts and support have brought heightened awareness to service excellence as something deeply engrained in the work we do on this campus. Thank you also for providing service excellence in your areas of expertise and for looking for new and innovative ways for others to Feel the Teal this semester!

David A. DeCenzo


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