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Get caught reading!

Did you know that May is “National Get Caught Reading” month? Reading books, magazines, journal articles, etc., can provide personal enrichment and/or professional growth opportunities. The Office of Training, Development and Service Excellence (TDSE) engages in reading activities on a daily basis to provide you with the latest training sessions. In May, TDSE is challenges you to “Get Caught Reading” by posting a picture of you reading or telling us what you are currently reading on the TDSE Facebook page. Who’s ready to “Get Caught Reading” at CCU?

In addition to the “Get Caught Reading” challenge, TDSE will host a book discussion of Mindset by Carol Dweck on Tuesday, May 30, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. at Starbucks on the main campus. Although TDSE will not be supplying the books for this discussion, it is strongly encouraged that participants read this compelling book that focuses on growth and a positive mindset.