In This Section

PDA Tracking and Recording

It is ultimately each student’s responsibility to ensure the required number of Professional Development Activities (PDAs) is completed prior to graduation. The Wall Center for Excellence will track participation in PDAs, however, students must bring their student ID to every PDA they attend and sign attendance sheets and/or swipe their student ID to receive credit. In some cases, usually, when a PDA is off campus, online or is sponsored by another organization, students will need to complete a PDA request credit form. This additional requirement will be specified within that particular PDA description and/or flyer. If a student’s record does not reflect participation in a specific PDA, the student must bring the matter to the attention of the Wall Center for Excellence by submitting an inquiry by the end of the semester in which the PDA in question took place. 

How to Check Your PDA Attendance

Students can view their PDA attendance records on their program evaluation (which can be accessed via WebAdvisor) under the section labeled "Professional Development Activities.” PDA attendance will be updated to the system within four weeks of the event date. Please note the names of the PDAs on the program evaluation may look different than those listed on the PDA schedule. In many cases, the PDAs on the program evaluation will be grouped into broader categories, such as the following:

In addition, the date listed for the PDA on the program evaluation will not correspond to the date the PDA occurred, but rather the date the attendance was uploaded to the system. Therefore, when referring to the program evaluation you will only want to check that the appropriate number of PDAs are recorded rather than focusing on the specific PDA types, names or dates. (see example below).

PDA 101B: Major and Career Opportunities in Business
PDA 102B: Experiential Opportunities in Business
PDA 104B: Professional Profile
PDA 108B: Transitioning to Professional

How to Correct Your PDA Attendance Record

The program evaluation will be used to verify the successful completion of the PDA graduation requirement during the graduation application process. Therefore, if your PDA record on the program evaluation is inaccurate, you MUST bring the matter to the attention of the Wall Center for Excellence or you risk not being able to graduate on time.  Please submit an inquiry form to alert us to any issues you have encountered.  

Forms Link and Calendar Link

For general questions regarding PDAs, contact For specific questions or concerns, contact Ellen Hayward, director of Wall Center Student Programs, at or 843-349-2679, or Melinda Tavernier, Wall Center specialist, at or 843-349-2111. To submit an appeal or request to earn External PDA credit, please submit the appropriate form.