Annika Geisemeyer - Coastal Carolina University
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Annika Geisemeyer

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Master of Business Administration

Graduation Year


Coastal Carolina University

"The partnership agreement between my German university in Mainz and CCU offered me the possibility to get the German Master of Arts and the American MBA within four semesters, the same amount of time I would usually need to obtain only the German degree. Having a double degree, getting some experience abroad, especially studying in the United States, is a great opportunity for me. I believe that it helps me a lot in my future to compete in the job market. Another reason that I chose to attend CCU is because we can stay here for two semesters. I think you need some time to adapt to a new country and a foreign culture. Going somewhere for only one semester would not have been an option for me."

Experiences on Campus

"In our MBA program we have students from different ages which is not that common in Germany. German students usually finish their Bachelor’s degree and directly continue with their Master’s. Here we have a mixture of students from different backgrounds. Some of the American students came directly from their undergraduate and some already have a lot of working experience. This makes discussions even more interesting since all of us are on different stages in our lives and have different views."

Advice for Others

"Of course I asked myself several times if I made the right decision with applying to Coastal. But these worries are gone now. I am convinced that I made the right decision with coming here. I have adapted to the new environment and have met a lot of great people. I am very happy to be here! A lot of people here already have their group of friends. So it is you who will have to take the action to make new friends. A good way of doing that is to join student organizations. I am an officer of the International Club and a member of the Outdoor Adventure Club. Both clubs are a lot of fun and made me get to know a lot of interesting people."