Travis E. Overton and Jacob B. Rosiek Student Benevolence Fund

Travis E. Overton and Jacob B. Rosiek Student Benevolence Fund

The purpose of the fund is to support enrolled students of Coastal Carolina University who are in need of short-term, non-recurring funding to deal with a family-related crisis or emergency or personal short-term hardship.  The recipient will be a currently enrolled full-time or part-time student of Coastal Carolina University. Qualified students may apply for one-time funding of a need in an amount not to exceed $500.00. The student has no obligation to repay the fund for monies received; however, the student is encouraged to remember the institution/future students when they are in a position to return the favor. All discussions for approval/disapproval for the distribution of funds will be decided upon by the Dean of Students in accordance with approved University policies and procedures and in compliance with federal and state regulations. The Donor acknowledges that the University will be solely responsible for the final decisions of who may qualify to receive the funds for emergency situations. The criteria and process for deciding if a student qualifies, or not, will be determined, maintained and enforced by the Dean of Students Office and decision made by committee.

Apply Here for funding from any of the following four student-related funds.