Applied Creativity Minor

Applied Creativity and Innovation Minor  

The minor in Applied Creativity and Innovation will prepare students in any applied discipline to approach problems and think more creatively,, especially in the context of organizations and work life. In the Applied Creativity and Innovation core classes, students learn to create, communicate and commercialize their ideas more quickly, more successfully and at a lower cost than traditional methods. Courses will allow students to learn methods to be more creative, to utilize prototyping, and sell their ideas; among other topics.

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Applied Selective

Choose one from the following:

Total Credits Required: 18 Credits


  • A minimum of 9 credits must be unique to the minor.
  • # = These courses may be taken to qualify for external certification in Innovation Engineering granted by Eureka Ranch. Students must successfully complete all assignments from three courses (MGMT 324, MGMT 325, and MGMT 424) in order to apply for the certification.