Student Conduct

Frequently Asked Questions for Families and Parents

Why does my student have to meet with a conduct officer/what is this regarding?
While each case is different in the student conduct process, students are generally asked to meet with a conduct officer to determine the level of responsibility that student has in an incident involving an alleged violation of the Code of Student Conduct (CSC). For information specific to a student's case, it is encouraged that parents and families consult with their student, in order to gather information about a particular case.

Can I be present when my student meets with the Conduct Officer?
Students are able to bring one (1) personal adviser with them through the student conduct process, which may include a parent or family member, per the students choosing. The role of an adviser is to provide moral support for the student throughout the student conduct process; however, that adviser may not speak for the student, except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the conduct officer. For more information on the role of an adviser, please refer to CSC and/or refer to the Guidelines for Advisers and Attorneys in the Student Conduct Process.

Why is my student unable to register for classes?
While there a number of reasons why a student might be prevented from registering for classes, they are most commonly linked to some type of hold being placed on a student’s account. As it pertains to student conduct, a hold would be placed on a student's account for failure to complete elements of an action plan issued by a hearing body.

I pay for my student’s education, why can’t I find out about his disciplinary matter?
While the University strives to work in partnership with parents and families in matters of student conduct and success in the community, we are bound by federal laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Therefore, in order to discuss the specifics of a student’s record, which includes matters of student conduct, a student must sign and submit a Release of Information Form to a member of the conduct team. Once that form has been received, a member of the conduct team may share information about that specific student’s case with only the individuals listed on the form. For more information about FERPA, please visit Please be aware, however, that the release is only valid for a particular case, and only for a specified amount of time. If a student has more than one incident, that student would need to sign a release for each incident. A release may not serve as a standing release for any future cases.

You say that you are unable to talk to me about the incident, but I received a letter stating that he/she violated the alcohol and drug policy – what did he/she do?
If a student is under the age of twenty-one (21) and violates the University’s alcohol and drug policy, parents and families are notified that a violation of the policy occurred. While this does inform parents and families of a violation, it does not discuss the specifics of the case. In order to gain a better understanding of what occurred, parents and families are encouraged to confer with their student and/or discuss that student’s openness to have a release on file with a member of the conduct team.

What are the charges that are on my student's account (i.e., $200/$100 charge for a class)?
If a student is found in violation of the CSC, that student may be required to complete various levels of educational elements of an action plan. For instance, when a student is found to be in violation of the University’s alcohol and drug policy, that student may be required to complete one or more levels of education, including but not limited to, an educational program, an individual assessment, and/or a bystander program. Depending on what levels of education are required, a student will incur corresponding fees for the administering of said program on his/her student account.

If my student has a hold on his/her account, how will they be able to eat if their CINO card can’t be used?
A hold on a student's account will not prevent them from eating. Students who have a hold placed on their account will still be able to eat at designated on-campus dining facilities. A hold on a student's account will prevent that student from eating at off-campus locations where CINO cards are accepted.

I know of other students who have received a warning for the same offence - why is my student being held accountable differently?
Because each case is different and specific to each individual student, an investigation must take place through the student conduct process, in order to determine what specific levels of education are required for that individual student. Provided that a release is on file in the Dean of Students Office, a member of the conduct team may speak about the decision and educational elements of an action plan of only the individual student. It is important to keep in mind that while many cases may seem similar at a glance, the student conduct process seeks to educate students through educational elements of an action plan that is specific to their needs, in order to succeed at the University.