Student Conduct

Frequently Asked Questions for Students

Why do I have to meet with the conduct officer?
Whenever an incident of alleged misconduct occurs and a report is forwarded to either University Housing and/or the Dean of Students Office, a conduct officer will contact those involved parties to determine whether or not a violation of the Code of Student Conduct did in fact occur. The official means of communication for matters of student conduct will be a pre-hearing conference letter sent to the student’s University email address.

It happened off campus, why does Coastal have to be involved?
As a member of the University community, all students are expected to know and live the Code of Student Conduct both on campus as well as in the surrounding community. As a representative of the University, students are expected to engage in conduct that is aligned with the expectation stated in the Code of Student Conduct, regardless of their setting.

The court dismissed the charges – will my case through Coastal be reversed?
No. The decision of a legal case has no bearing on the decision rendered through the student conduct process. The reason for this is that the goals of the legal system and the University’s student conduct process are very different. The goal of the student conduct process is to educate students through their decision-making. This may include educational elements in the form of an Action Plan, which could include, but is not limited to, alcohol and drug education, a bystander intervention program, community service, and parental notifications if a student is under the age of twenty-one (21) years old. The student conduct process does not seek to determine whether or not a law was broken, but rather if there was a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.

Can I have an attorney present?
Students are able to have one (1) adviser present through the student conduct process, which can be an attorney, parent, friend, professor, or fellow student. The role of an adviser is to provide moral support for the alleged student by accompanying him/her to student conduct proceedings when available. Furthermore, it is important that an adviser understand that his/her role is to advise the student in the student conduct process, not actively represent and/or speak on behalf of the alleged student. For more information on the role of the adviser, please see the Code of Student Conduct and/or refer to Guidelines and FAQs for Advisers and Attorneys.

Are you going to call my parents?
If it is determined through the student conduct process that a student was in violation of the University's alcohol and drug policies as stated in the Code of Student Conduct, there is a Parental Notification Letter that will be sent home to that student's parent and/or legal guardian if that student is under the age of twenty-one (21) years old.

Can I have a witness?
Witnesses and/or witness statements can serve as supplemental information in the student conduct process so that a hearing body is better able to determine whether or not a violation of the Code of Student Conduct occurred. Specifics of the role of witnesses and how they can be heard will be covered with the conduct officer at the pre hearing conference scheduled with the conduct officer. Students’ notifications of a pre-hearing conference occur via email to their University e-mail address.

What do I need to bring with me to the hearing?
The specifics of what a student should bring to his/her hearing will be covered at the pre-hearing conference. The pre-hearing conference occurs once a student has been formally charged with a violation of the Code of Student Conduct. The University builds this conference into the student conduct process so that students are made aware of all of the information concerning their case and are educated about the student conduct process and subsequent hearing options. More information on the pre-hearing conference is available in the Code of Student Conduct.

If I attend an alcohol treatment program off campus, what are the requirements?
The specific requirements of the alcohol treatment program are discussed at the time a decision is rendered by the student conduct officer. Additionally, a student receives information in his/her action plan letter about what he/she must complete with regard to any alcohol education and/or treatment programs.

Do I have to do the community service on campus?
This is at the discretion of the conduct officer and can vary on a case by case basis. The goal of community service is to help a student get connected and take ownership in bettering their community both on and off campus. The specifics of community service will be determined by the hearing body once a decision is rendered.

Why can’t I register for classes/go to the gym, etc.?
More often than not, the answer to this question is because a hold is in place on a student's account. There are a number of reasons why a student may have a hold on his/her account. However, as it pertains to student conduct, a hold would be placed on a student's account for failure to complete elements of an action plan required by a hearing body. Specifics of the hold are covered at the time a decision is rendered during a hearing and is included in a student's action plan letter. The timeline for a hold to be removed may take up to approximately two (2) business days after the outstanding elements are submitted and subsequently verified by the Dean of Students Office. In order to prevent interruption of course management, use of the CINO card, and other essential University functions, students are encouraged to take active responsibility in ensuring all elements are turned in to the appropriate parties by the specified due dates.