‌Special Education Special Education Student Reading

Coastal Carolina University offers two Special Education programs of study at the undergraduate and graduate level.

In the Bachelor of Arts in Special Education: Multi-categorical program, teacher candidates seeking initial leaching licensure complete courses and practice skills in field-based experiences. Teacher candidates who complete Multi-categorical licensure are prepared broadly to effectively teach learners with high incidence disabilities (e.g., specific learning disabilities, emotional disabilities, mild to moderate intellectual disabilities) in a variety of special education settings from grades PK-12.

TeachSC Partnership

Our partner, TeachSC, is a program that provides free support to anyone who’s thinking about becoming a teacher. When you sign up, you get perks like 1-on-1 coaching, up to $100 back in fee reimbursements towards expenses related to applying to our programs (including testing and fingerprints), and a chance to win a regional $1,000 scholarship! Access these resources by signing up here!

The Master of Education in Special Education is designed for currently licensed teachers who are seeking greater depth of knowledge in special education. This program has four concentration areas including Specific Learning Disabilities, Emotional Disorders, Intellectual Disabilities, and Severe Disabilities.

Additionally, many students complete special education coursework required for add-on licensure in four special education licensure areas including Specific Learning Disabilities, Emotional Disorders, Intellectual Disabilities, and Severe Disabilities. Current undergraduate teacher candidates may complete coursework towards add-on licensure via Transitional Study. Transitional Studies is an opportunity for undergraduate students who have completed 90 credit hours and have demonstrated exemplary academic performance to participate in graduate level courses.

Graduates from both the undergraduate and graduate programs in special education are regarded as well trained and are readily hired to teach special education in public and private schools across the country.

Student Organization

The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) on Coastal Carolina University's campus gives back to their community by raising money for students and adults with disabilities, working with the LIFE program participants, and partnering with local organizations to provide enriching experiences for individuals with disabilities. Members of CEC enjoy going out into the community and spending time with individuals with disabilities and fundraising. CCU CEC participates in Polar Plunge, SC Special Olympics, Miracle League, Will to Surf, Aynor Family Fun Day, bake sales, and many more. CEC meetings are held twice a month in Prince 108.

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For More Information:

Nicole Uphold, Ph.D.
Singleton Endowed Professor; Coordinator, Special Education
Prince Building 119J