Searching for Providers

Selecting a therapist is a highly personal matter. Students present with a wide variety of treatment needs and preferences regarding providers.

Provider availability for new referrals, as well as the insurance they may accept, can change quickly. As such, it is not possible for CCU to maintain an accurate, up to date list of local providers and their availability.

Provider Search Using Insurance Coverage

Students should start their search for a provider through their insurance company. This will ensure up to date information about providers who accept their insurance coverage.

It is also important that students understand  about how insurance works.  If your insurance company is not listed, contact information can generally be found on the back of your insurance card.

Provider Search Not Using Insurance Coverage

Students may decide not to utilize their insurance when seeking services (often due to associated costs and/or privacy concerns), or may find themselves without insurance due to circumstances like loss of employment. In these cases, students may opt to pay out of pocket for services--this means that the full cost of services would be directly paid by the student.

There are providers in the community who may offer services on a sliding scale basis--this means that the cost of services is based on client income or may provide a student discount. Please see Local Psychologist, Psychiatrist and Mental Health Counselors Referral List. These professionals have extended an interest in working with CCU students.

Students may also choose to search for providers via GooglePsychology Today, Zoc Doc, Thriving Campus.

Additional information about local mental health and community resources, including recovery groups and issue/population specific resources, is available via SC211 or DRSPlease note that not all services listed on these resources may be applicable/appropriate to student needs.