
Continuing Membership

Continuing Membership

 Section 1. Undergraduate student members of Beta Alpha Psi shall remain student members as long as they remain degree-seeking undergraduate students. Graduate students and post-baccalaureate students at the institution where they were members as undergraduates may elect to continue or renew affiliation. Candidates shall remain candidates until the first semester of association with Beta Alpha Psi after they have completed two years of collegiate courses and at least one upper-level course in accounting, finance, or information systems (in their chosen concentration) beyond the business core. At that point, they must have satisfied all the requirements for membership and be initiated or dropped as a candidate.

Section 2. Student members of Beta Alpha Psi who relocate to another institution, either to complete their undergraduate program or to pursue a graduate degree, may become members of the local chapter provided they (1) apply for membership and (2) meet all membership requirements for the local chapter. Candidates who relocate to another institution to complete their undergraduate program may become candidates of the local chapter provided they apply to the local chapter and meet the requirements of the local chapter.

Jaeseong Lim, Ph.D.  
Assistant Professor   
Wall 201I
843-349-5082 | | View profile

Dorothy Thompson, D.B.A.
Assistant Professor  
Wall 201J   
843-349-4147 | | View profile