Faculty FAQ's

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1. Does the campus have a Distance Learning Policy? Yes. Please visit the Distance Learning Policy to read more about this policy.

2. Where do I go for training on Moodle and other third-party tool?

The Office of Academic Technology offers a variety of sessions throughout the semester. These sessions are offered in-person, virtually, and asynchronously. Visit our training registration site for upcoming sessions. 

3. What services does the Office of Academic Technology provide to the campus?

  • Moodle Support
  • Third-Party Support (Respondus Lockdown, Turnitin, Publisher tools such as Cengage and Pearson, Kantola, YuJa)
  • Training

4. Who should I contact for help?

Office of Academic Technology

  • Moodle support and training (ALL THINGS MOODLE)
  • Third-Party support and training (Respondus Lockdown, Turnitin, Publisher tools such as Cengage and Pearson, YuJa)
  • Digital learning course design

Office of Professional Development

  • Research Support
  • Writing Circles
  • Tenure and tenure track support for faculty
  • New Faculty Orientation
  • Teaching Associate Orientation 
  • Staff training


  • Accounts & Access
  • Network & Connectivity
  • Computers & Devices
  • Software

5. How can I make my course more accessible?

  1. Panorama - is a digital accessibility tool that is integrated with Moodle that focuses on making digital course content more accessible to students. 
  2. Visit the Digital Accessibility LibGuidefor resources, tutorials, trainings, and more. 

8. Where can I learn more about Moodle? 

  • Moodle Resources Libguide - provides resources and tutorials on how to utilize Moodle and the different activities and resources Moodle has to offer. 
  • Moodle Website - information upgrades, new tools, and course templates 

9. What types of instructional tools are available to use?

Coastal offers a wide range of instructional tools that are supported through the Office of Academic Technology. Please visit the Instructional Tools page for a list of tools available for faculty to use in their digital learning courses. 

11. Where should I send my students for support?

It is recommended that students contact Student Computing Services for student support. If Student Computing Services is unable to assist the student, they will refer them to the correct support. Please visit the Student Computing Services website for information on student services & support. Students may also visit our Student Resources LibGuide for information on digital learning at CCU. 

12. May I enroll users into my course, and if so, what roles are available?

Yes. Individuals can be added as a Non-Grading Teacher Assistant. This allows them to view the course, but not the grades. 

13. How do I clear my browser's cache and why is this important?

At times, certain technologies do not function correctly and requires you to refresh your cach in order for them to work like they are supposed to. Please visit the How to refresh your cache guide for instructions on how to do this.