Picture of Marcos Daou

Marcos Daou

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology

Phone: 843-349-4026 Email: mdaou@coastal.edu Office Hours:


  • Doctor of Philosophy in Kinesiology - Psychophysiology of Performance and Exercise – Auburn University
  • Masters in Clinical Psychology- Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapy Center- WP Center
  • Masters of Science in Social and Personality Psychology – Pontifical Catholic University 
  • Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sport Science – Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul 
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology - Pontifical Catholic University 
Courses Taught:
  • EXSS 340 Sport and Exercise Behavior
  • EXSS 360 Motor Behavior
  • EXSS 360L Motor Behavior Laboratory
  • EXSS 399 Independent Study in Exercise and Sport Science
  • EXSS 499 Directed Undergraduate Research in Exercise and Sport Science
Research Interests:
  • Choke under Pressure and Skill Performance
  • Feedback and Motor Learning
  • Exercise Psychology and Effort Minimization Theory
  • Benefits of Physical Activity in Cognition and Mental Health
Link to Google Scholar
Link to PubMed