Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight

Staff Spotlight: Robbie Moorer '10

Robbie Moorer graduated from CCU in 2010 and returned to work at the school in 2013 as a lab specialist for the School of the Coastal Environment. “My title is a lab specialist, but I am really here to help out students in any ca­pacity I can,” he said. As a lab specialist, Moorer programs, fixes, and prepares instruments for student use. Additionally, he goes on field-relat­ed trips and assists with operations.

Moorer also assists students with projects on a continuous basis. For example, Moorer as­sists the swash monitoring program with graduate student Nick Legut by managing the roof­top cameras that overlook the swash. When Moorer is not working on a project, he likes to help current students gain new skills. Moorer regularly emails students to see if they would like to go out on work trips to gain technical experience through on-site training.

I am really here to help out students in any capacity I can.

His favorite part of the job is seeing stu­dents grow with the instrumentation and learn the technical side of data collection. “A lot of students understand the data analysis portion of research but do not realize how much in­strumentation is involved in data collection,” he said.

As a coastal alumnus, Moorer also en­joys watching the school grow. If students need help with instrumentation or are interested in learning new skills, they can stop by Moorer’s office in the Coastal Science Center, Room 151L, or email