
Procurement Process

Purchases requiring use of the Purchase Requisition process

Procurement Process

Factors that determine the process of purchasing:
  • Whether a prospective goods/services purchase falls into category of state contract status (is or isn't on one);
  • Whether the dollar amount, including shipping, is $10,000 or less, or more than $10,000;
  • Whether the item is an inventoriable item;
  • Whether the purchase requires a supplier-submitted agreement.  
For additional information regarding procurement, call 843-349-2189 or email

Specific Purchases

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    Cell Phones

    Cell phone contracts are negotiated through Information Technology Services. Call 843-349-2084 for instructions.

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    Computers, Software, Printers, and Cartridges 

    What is the procedure for ordering a computer?

    Submit a ticket to the ITS Help Desk to request assistance. An ITS representative will either provide a quote for you to attach to a cart or create an ePro@ccu cart for you to ensure you receive state contract pricing. Update the required fields on the cart and submit for approvals.  The requisition will route to Procurement Services.

    What is the procedure for ordering software?

    Submit a ticket to the ITS Help Desk to request assistance.  An ITS representative will either provide a quote for you to attach to a cart or create an ePro@ccu cart for you to ensure you receive state contract pricing. Update the required fields on the cart and submit for approvals.  The requisition will route to Procurement Services. You also have the option to place the order with your P-card and attach the quote to your invoice.

    What is the procedure for ordering a printer?

    Submit a ticket to the ITS Help Desk to request assistance.  An ITS representative will either provide a quote for you to attach to a cart or create an ePro@ccu cart for you to ensure you receive state contract pricing. Update the required fields on the cart and submit for approvals. If the price is less than $500, including tax, you can opt to place the order with a P-card and attach the quote to your invoice. If the price exceeds $500, attach the quote to your requisition and submit to Procurement Services.

    State Contract Vendors for Printer Toner

    (Please note that inkjet cartridges are not under state contract at this 
    time and can be ordered from preferred vendor Forms & Supply Inc 



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    Remanufactured Toner Cartridges

    Remanufactured Toner Cartridge Pricing

    The State Term Contract is for Remanufactured Toner Cartridges is 4400023185

    Note: If the part number is not listed on the price lists, it is not under contract.

    Remanufactured Dell and HP toner cartridges only.

    • The Office Pal - Dell and HP


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    Who is my contact?

    Copiers and related services are provided through statewide contracts. Contact Steven Glenn in Procurement Services with any questions by email or at 843-349-2736.

    What is an All Inclusive Rental?

    All Inclusive Rental is a program that maximizes savings by combining the equipment (copiers and accessories), services and supplies (except paper and staples) into one low cost. The contract is a "All Inclusive Rental" contract. This means that the University pays only for the number of copies made on each machine, rather than purchasing or leasing the machines themselves. The contractor owns the machines and is responsible for all maintenance and supplies, such as toner and toner cartridges, and service. Paper and staples are not included in the contract. 

    Why the All Inclusive Rental approach?

    An All Inclusive Rental approach provides an agency with a standardized low-cost copy program. The agency will receive the best value for the All Inclusive Rental contract's leveraging of multiple contractors. By consolidating the State's copier needs into one contract, the University is able to take advantage of the State's agency combined purchasing power for the maximum level of services at lower costs.

    What are the cost and benefits?

    The All Inclusive Rental contract provides for a set minimum price, which includes all supplies such as copy toner (except paper and staples), all parts and services (service times are guaranteed), a machine loaner (if required), dedicated service personnel, and ongoing unlimited support. By using All Inclusive Rental, funds to purchase new machines are saved. Equipment is upgraded through the program. Procurement Services will work closely with departments and the contractor to manage the All Inclusive Rental services.

    How do I know the current copy count and where can I check my copier's meter reading?

    Copy counts/meter readings are taken periodically by each department or upon request by the contractor. Instructions for obtaining the copy per specific machine can be provided by the contractor.

    How are supplies and services obtained?

    All supplies/parts – toner, belt, drum, and services (except paper and staples) – can be obtained by contacting the contractor. Indicate the department name, location, machine make and model number. Delivery of supplies will be made directly to the ordering department by the contractor.

    Required documentation to obtain a copier:

    A Purchase Requisition and a quote from the vendor must be forwarded to Procurement Services. The requisition requires the signature of the department budget officer and ITS.

    Authorized Partners, Product Resellers, and or Product Distributors Statewide All Inclusive Rental contract awardees may have identified regional authorized partners, product resellers, and/or product distributors. The All Inclusive Rental statewide term contract awardees are the only authorized vendors to provide the products and for invoice submissions and subsequent payment collections.

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    Furniture and Case Goods

    Per the requirements of the annual South Carolina Appropriations Act, the University shall first consider the goods and services offered through the South Carolina Department of Corrections – Prison Industries program when purchasing goods and services. Prison Industries offers a wide selection of furniture, case goods, and seating, as well as framing and furniture upholstery services. Links to catalogs from Prison Industries are available below.

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    Purchase of Electronic Applications

    New technologies, such as the Apple iPhones®, and iPads®, have business applications available for purchase to enhance the functional abilities of the device for business-related use. Most of these applications require the user to establish a personal account to facilitate the purchases. The purchases require the buyer to check a box accepting certain legal terms and conditions before the application can be downloaded. These terms and conditions contain clauses related to such things as choice of law and indemnification that cannot be accepted by South Carolina public institutions.

    Due to the potential issues created by the above circumstances, the use of the University Purchasing Card (P-card) or other direct payment methods to purchase electronic applications is prohibited.

    In order to purchase business-related applications via personal accounts, users are required to utilize personal credit cards and request reimbursement from the University using the Personal Reimbursement form (CCU-AP 7/19). Purchases also require the prior approval of an ITS representative or the designated Information Resource Consultant (IRC).

    It should be understood that the user and not the University will be accepting the terms and conditions that are required for the purchase and prior to the download of the application.

    In addition, due to the ability to move applications from University-owned devices to personal devices, users requesting reimbursement will be required to sign a statement indicating that if the application is moved from a University-owned device due to termination of employment for any reason, the user will reimburse the University for the purchase. Department budget officers will be responsible for overseeing these requirements upon termination of the individual's employment.

    As applicable to all other situations, the purchase of goods or services for personal use using University funds is prohibited.

Dollar Limit Guidelines

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    This section applies to all purchases of supplies and services, unless exempted.

    General notes regarding this section:

    • In determining the appropriate dollar limit, shipping or freight charges are included but applicable sales taxes are not included. 
    • If desired, any purchase may be made using the Purchase Requisition process. 
    • In cases where the purchase obligation is for multiple years, the dollar limit is determined by the potential cost for all years. An agreement which automatically renews is considered a multi-year agreement. Agreements shall not extend longer than five (5) years. 
    • Purchases must not be split to circumvent the stated dollar levels. 
    •  Anticipated purchases over a relatively short period of time must be combined to determine the appropriate dollar level. 
    •  Dollar limits do not apply with statewide contracts as these contracts have already been through the competitive bid process. Purchase Requisitions may still be required. 
    • Depending on the type or amount of purchase, approvals from other areas (i.e. Department Chairs, Deans, Vice Presidents, Information Technology, Grants, and University Communication) may also be necessary. 
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     Purchases requiring use of the Purchase Requisition process:

    1. Supplies and services where the supplier is requiring execution of a contract or agreement, regardless of cost and funding source (includes speakers and entertainers). 
      1. Procurement Services will forward any required contracts or agreements to University Counsel for processing. 
      2. If the amount exceeds $10,000, processing of the requisition and agreement must also follow the requirements of 3.b. or 3.c. below. 
    2.  Purchases of the following, regardless of funding source:  
      1. Guns, regardless of cost
      2. Computers, laptops, tablets regardless of cost 
      3. Printers, musical instruments, vehicles – cost of $500 or more
      4. Golf carts, monitors, artwork, projectors, camcorders, cameras – cost of $1,500 or more
      5. Furniture, equipment, larger computer hardware, telecommunication equipment, movable construction equipment – cost of $5,000 or more
    3. Supplies and services over $10,000, regardless of funding source. Requisitions will be processed in the following manner:            a.
      1. Over $10,000 and available through statewide contracts: 
        Quotes from the statewide supplier, which must contain the statewide contract number, are to be attached to the          requisition
      2. Over $10,000 up to and including $25,000 and not available through statewide contracts:          
        1. Quotes and/or suggested suppliers are to be attached to the requisition. 
           Procurement Services will process as follows: 

                           i. Written requests for written quotes from a minimum of three (3) bona fide, responsive and responsible sources of                                    supply will be made by Procurement Services using a Request For Quote form; the purchase must be made from the                                source providing the lowest quote.

                          ii. The Request For Quote will be posted and advertised by Procurement Services in South Carolina Business                                                 Opportunities for a minimum of seven (7) days; the purchase must be made from the lowest responsive and                                            responsible quote. 

                Over $25,000 and not available through statewide contracts: 

                    Quotes and/or suggested suppliers are to be attached to the requisition. Procurement Services will issue an appropriate                          solicitation (Invitation For Bid, Request For Proposal, Fixed Price Bid) as provided in the Code. 

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     Purchases not requiring use of the Purchase Requisition process:

    Purchases not exceeding $10,000 and not falling within those requiring the Purchase 
    Requisition process may be accomplished without securing competitive quotations under 
    the following conditions:

    • The prices must be considered fair and reasonable
    • Purchases must be distributed equitably among qualified suppliers. 
    • When practicable, a quotation must be solicited from other than the previous supplier before placing a repeat order.
    • While competitive quotations are not required, price comparison is strongly encouraged before purchasing.
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    Exceptions applicable for purchases using 14, 15 or 24 funds:

    Purchases of supplies and services using 14, 15 or 24 funds must comply with either section A or B above with respect to the use of the Purchase Requisition process, with the following revisions: 

    • Requisitions for purchases over $10,000 using 15 or 24 funds may be processed without the additional requirements of sections 3.b. or 3.c. above if a Request For Single Source Pricing form is submitted to and approved by Procurement Services prior to the purchase. 
    •  Requisitions for purchases using 14 funds may be processed without the additional requirements of sections 3.b. or 3.c. above; however, price comparison is strongly recommended before purchasing. 
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    On State Contract and between $5,000 and $10,000

    If the good/service is on state contract and between $5,000 and $10,000, please follow the guidelines below:

    • Obtain approvals of budget officer and vice president, dean, department chair, ITS, Sponsored Programs and Research Services, as required
    • Purchase with P-Card if authorized limit is sufficient and an allowable P-Card expense
    • OR
    • Place order with vendor
    • Obtain invoice; complete Direct Payment Authorization (DPA); attach form and supporting documentation; send directly to Accounts Payable for processing


State Contracts

For additional information regarding State Contracts, call 843-349-4193.

Through competitive solicitations conducted by the South Carolina Division of Procurement Services, statewide contracts have been awarded on a variety of goods and services. When such a contract exists for a needed good or service, and as a state agency, Coastal Carolina University is required to purchase the good or service through the contract and from the awarded vendor.

In addition, state agencies are required to seek as a first source the goods and services offered by the South Carolina Department of Corrections, Division of Prison Industries.

State Contract Links
  • Procurement Services
    642 Century Circle
    Conway, SC 29526
  • Mailing Address
    P.O. Box 261954
    Conway, SC  29528-6054
  • Hours of Operation
    8 a.m.-5 p.m.
    8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
  • 843-349-2189
  • Staff Directory »
  • Procurement Services Home »

Procurement for CCU Faculty and Staff