Thank You Project

Show Your Gratitude for a GCOS Faculty and/or Staff member

The “Thank You Project” is an initiative of the Gupta College of Science to recognize our outstanding faculty and staff for going above and beyond to help each other and our students. So many activities we do for each other often go unrecognized even though they are greatly appreciated. This initiative allows anyone (faculty, staff, and students) to send a note of thanks to a GCOS faculty or staff member thanking them for their help, generosity, and assistance. We want to call attention to all the ways that we help each other to continue to build upon the kindness and gratitude that exists in the Gupta College of Science.

Click the logo on the left to 
nominate a Gupta College 
faculty or staff member.

Through the “Thank You Project”, any effort from our faculty and staff, particularly those things that go above and beyond expectations, is to be celebrated! Students, thanks for recognizing your professors. They are here doing what they do because they care about you. Faculty and staff, consider taking the opportunity to recognize your colleague for a job well done and for the help that they provided to you. To all our faculty, staff, and students, thanks for making the Gupta College of Science a special place!

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson