HRTM 2017

Freshman Year

Fall Semester
  • UNIV 110B The First-Year Experience... 3 credits
  • ENGL 101 Composition (Core)1... 4 credits
  • Humanistic Thought (Core)1... 3 credits
  • CSCI 110 Enterprise Business Applications... 3 credits                           
  • HRTM 101 Intro to HRTM... 3 credits 
  • Professional Development Activities2... 0 credits
TOTAL: 16 credits
Spring Semester
  • MATH 138 Mathematics Apps in Business (Core)1... 3 credits
  • ENGL 102 Composition and Critical Reading (Core)1... 4 credits
  • CBAD 120 Intro to Global Business (Core)1... 3 credits
  • Humanistic Thought (Core)1 ... 3 credits
  • HRTM 150 Human and Social Behavior (Core)1 ... 3 credits
  • HRTM 280 Guest Service (Intern)1... 1 credit
TOTAL: 17 credits


Fall Semester
  • CBAD 201 Financial Accounting... 3 credits
  • ECON 201 Macroeconomics (Core)1... 3 credits
  • CBAD 291 Business Statistics... 3 credits
  • HRTM 282 Survey of Food & Bev Mgt... 3 credits
  • Scientific Concepts (Core)1... 4 credits
TOTAL: 16 credits
Spring Semester
  • CBAD 202 Managerial Accounting... 3 credits
  • ECON 202 Microeconomics... 3 credits
  • CBAD 292 Decision Analysis... 3 credits
  • Communication Across Cultures (Core)1... 5 credits
  • HRTM 280 Guest Service II (Intern)... 1 credit                                                                 
TOTAL: 15 credits


Fall Semester
  • CBAD 301 Mgt. & Organizations... 3 credits
  • CBAD 350 Marketing... 3 credits
  • CBAD 363 Business Finance... 3 credits
  • ENGL 290/CBAD 290 Business Comm (Core)1... 3 credits
  • HIST 201/POLI 201 American Gov. (Core)1... 3 credits
TOTAL: 15 credits
Spring Semester
  • HRTM 393 Mgt. Info. Systems... 3 credits
  • CBAD 344 Legal Env. of Business... 3 credits
  • CBAD 373 Business Integration/Application... 3 credits
  • PHIL 318 Business Ethics... 3 credits
  • General Elective1... 3 credits
TOTAL: 15 credits


Fall Semester
  • HRTM 490 Seminar in Tourism Planning... 3 credits
  • HRTM 364/CBAD 364 Operations Management... 3 credits
  • HRTM Selective4... 3 credits
  • HRTM 480 Resort Mgt. Training (Intern)... 1 credit
  • Artistic Expression (Core)1... 3 credits
  • General Elective... 1 credit
TOTAL: 14 credits
Spring Semester
  • HRTM 474 Quality Process Management... 3 credits
  • CBAD 478 Strategic Management... 3 credits
  • HRTM Selective... 3 credits
  • General Elective (if needed)3... 3 credits
TOTAL: 12 credits 

HRTM 2017 (Printable)

Wall College Recommended Core Curriculum (Fall 2017) 

Requirements for Admission to the Wall College

45+ Credit Hours

Minimum GPA of 2.25

45 Hours of Coursework Completed AND Grade of “C” or better in:

  • ENGL 101
  • CBAD 120
  • CBAD 201
  • ECON 201 OR
  • ECON 202
  • MATH 138 OR
  • MATH 132 OR
  • MATH 160
  • CSCI 110

University Core

3-6 credit hours

Take both courses:

UNIV 110B (3) AND HIST 201 (3) OR POLI 201 (3)

Critical Thinking and Reasoning

3 credit hours

Choose One:

  • COMM 160 (3)
  • CSCI 101 (3)
  • CSCI 120 (3)
  • ECON 201 (3)
  • ENGL 103 (3)
  • HIST 255 (3)
  • HONR 105 (3)
  • PHIL 101 (3)
  • PHIL 102 (3)
  • PHIL 105 (3)
  • PHIL 110 (3)
  • WGST 105 (3)

Communication Across Cultures

5-6 credit hours

Choose a 115 course, a  110-120 sequence OR a 130 class.

  • FREN 115 (5)
  • GERM 115 (5)
  • ITAL 115 (5)
  • SPAN 115 (5)
  • FREN 110 (3) and FREN 120 (3)
  • RUS 110 (3) and RUS 120 (3)

Quantitative Literacy

3-4 credit hours

Choose One:

  • MATH 132 (3)
  • MATH 138 (3)
  • MATH 160 (4)

Scientific Concepts

4 credit hours

Choose One:

  • ANTH 101/L (4)
  • ASTR 101/L (4)
  • BIOL 101/L (4)
  • BIOL 121/L (4)
  • BIOL 232/L (4)
  • CHEM 101/L (4)
  • CHEM 104/L (4)
  • CHEM 111/L (4)
  • GEOG 201/L (4)
  • MSCI 101/L (4)
  • MSCI 111/L (4)
  • PHYS 103/L (4)
  • PHYS 137/L (4)
  • SCIE 101/L (4)

Human and Social Behavior

6 credit hours

CBAD 120 (3)

*Already incorporated above

Choose One:

  • ANTH 102 (3)
  • ANTH 120 (3)
  • COMM 150 (3)
  • ECON 110 (3)
  • ECON 150 (3)
  • EDIT 106 (3)
  • EDLL 200 (3)
  • EDML 317 (3)
  • EDUC 270 (3)
  • EDUC 274 (3)
  • ENGL 250 (3)
  • EXSS 122 (3)
  • GEOG 120 (3)
  • GEOG 121 (3)
  • HIST 205 (3)
  • HONR 202 (3)
  • HRTM 150 (3)
  • NUR 201 (3)
  • POLI 101 (3)
  • PSYC 101 (3)
  • PUBH  121 (3)
  • RSM 120 (3)
  • SOC 101 (3)
  • UNIV 122 (3)
  • WGST 103 (3)

Humanistic Thought

6 credit hours

Students must take two courses. Each course must come from a different discipline:

  • DCD 231 (3)
  • ENGL 205 (3)
  • ENGL 231 (3)
  • ENGL 277 (3)
  • HIST 105 (3)
  • HIST 106 (3)
  • HIST 205 (3) 
  • HFA 250 (3)
  • HONR 201 (3)
  • LIS 122 (3)
  • RELG 103 (3)
  • RELG 104 (3)
  • RSM 200 (3)
  • RSM 201 (3)
  • WGST 305 (3)

Artistic Expression

3 credit hours

Choose One:

  • ARTH 105 (3)
  • ARTH 106 (3)
  • ARTH 107 (3)
  • ARTH 110 (3)
  • ENGL 201 (3)
  • MUS 110 (3)
  • MUS 207 (3)
  • MUS 257 (3)
  • MUS 258 (3)
  • THEA 149 (3)
  • THEA 150 (3)
  • VPA 103 (3)
  • MUS 124A*
  • MUS 126*
  • MUS 125C*
  • MUS 134*

*(These are 0-1 credit hour and are repeatable for up to 3 credits to meet the core)

Used for Wall College of Business Advising purposes. For the complete University Core Curriculum, visit the University Catalogs.

**For students in the Honors Program only.