Faculty-Created Resources

Academic Resources for Students

The faculty in the Subhash Saxena Department of Mathematics and Statistics has provided faculty-created resources such as interactive textbooks and videos to help students with a variety of questions related to mathematics and/or statistics. Click on the resource(s) below to find one that will work for you!

Links to Resources

1. Resource: https://ww2.coastal.edu/rdahal/ 

Description: This webpage contains practice problems for several math courses and their video solutions.
Instructor: Dr. Rajendra Dahal

2. Resource: https://www.youtube.com/@lindsfoxmathfinance/videos 

Description: This channel has resources for math skills overall and has in-depth playlists covering algebra, calculus I, business calculus, and calculus for social science. Frequent uploads address math and finance questions, and playlists address topics like factoring, laws of exponents, limits, derivatives, and more.
Instructor: Dr. Lindsey Fox

3. Resource: https://ww2.coastal.edu/dweathers/edm/edm2.html 

Description: Elementary Discrete Mathematics 2 is an introductory, conversational book about the tenets of discrete mathematics with an emphasis on teaching the student to think and communicate mathematically. 
Instructor: Douglas Weathers

4. Resource: https://www.youtube.com/@jamiehedges3554 

Description: YouTube videos to help with Math 138, Math 139, Math 201, and Math 202.
Instructor: Jamie Hedges

5. Resource: https://ximera.osu.edu/math 

Description: Free online, interactive textbooks for Calculus I, Calculus II, Calculus III, Complex Variables, and Combinatorics.
Instructor: Dr. Andrew Incognito

6. Resource: https://ww2.coastal.edu/oarslan/math160/ and https://ww2.coastal.edu/oarslan/math161/ 

Description: Both of these sites contain links to online notes, Dr. Incognito's free calculus book, Khan Academy videos, and solved problems by Dr. Dahal and Dr. O. Duncan.
Instructor: Dr. Ogul Duncan

7. Resource: https://ww2.coastal.edu/npritcha/stat201resourcepage.html

Description: This page contains video explanations of the common course notes and interactive online review activities for Stat 201. 
Instructor: Dr. Nicholas Pritchard