FAQ - Miller Analogies Test

If your question is not listed here, please email us.

How long after I submit my payment will I receive my email with scheduling instructions?

The time it takes for us to process your payment may vary.  If you make your payment Monday-Thursday, as a general rule, you will receive the email within one day.  If your payment is made Friday-Sunday, or while our office is closed (due to a Holiday, weather event, etc.) you will receive the email during our next business day.  Please see our hours.  If you don't receive the confirmation email, first check your spam folder, and if necessary contact the ATC.

What do I bring to the Testing Center?

You will need two valid IDs for the MAT: a primary ID that is government-issued with a photograph and signature, such as a driver's license or a passport; and a secondary ID, such as a student ID.  If you have questions about whether your IDs will qualify, visit the MAT website.  If your IDs do not qualify, you will not be able to test.  

Please review our security guidelines for other considerations as to what you should and should not bring with you.

Will I receive a score the day of my test?

Yes, an unofficial score report is printed for you at the end of your exam.  For official score reporting guidelines, see the MAT website.