Curriculum Management

All curricular changes must go through the appropriate approval process as outlined in corresponding policy for undergraduate and graduate curriculum. Below you will find the deadlines for each committee.

Below are the meeting dates and deadlines for the 2024-2025 academic year. If you have any questions on entering proposals, contact the Curriculum Management Coordinator, Christina Genovevo.

Core Curriculum Committee   Academic Affairs Committee   Graduate Council   Faculty Senate
Deadline for Proposals Meeting Date   Deadline for Proposals Meeting Date   Deadline for Proposals Meeting Date   Deadline for Proposals Meeting Date
Aug. Aug.   Aug. 30 Sept. 10   Aug. 30 Sept. 11   Aug. 21 Sept. 4
Sept.  Sept.   Sept. 27 Oct. 8   Sept. 27 Oct. 9   Sept. 18 Oct. 2
Oct.  Oct.    Nov. 1* Nov. 12   Nov. 1* Nov. 13   Oct. 23 Nov. 6
Nov.  Nov.    Nov. 29 Dec. 10   Nov. 29 Dec. 11   Nov. 20* Dec. 4
Dec.  Dec.    Dec. 27** Jan. 7   Dec. 27** Jan. 8   Jan. 22** Feb. 5
Jan.  Jan.    Jan. 31 Feb. 11   Jan. 31 Feb. 12   Feb. 19 March 5
Feb.  Feb.    Feb. 28 March 11   Feb. 28 March 12   March 19 April 2
March  March    March 28*** April 8   March 28*** April 9   April 30*** May 7
April  April    May 2 May 13   May 2 May 14   June 25 July 9
June  July                   

*Deadline for new programs or program changes to be considered for the 2026-2026 University Catalog. Final determination of when an approved proposal will be in the catalog is determined by approvals at all levels as needed such as  CHE and SACS. For more information on CHE deadlines on new programs and program modifications click here.

**Deadline for new minors and program changes (18 credits or less for an undergraduate program, or 12 credits or less for a graduate program) to be considered for the 2025-2026 University Catalog. 

***Deadline for courses to be considered for the 2025-2026 University Catalog.

For questions regarding the meeting deadlines or Curriculog, contact the Curriculum Management Coordinator, Christina Genovevo, in the Office of the Provost. As indicated by the deadlines above, certain new programs and program changes require additional CHE approval. For more detailed information on the CHE process, paperwork required for proposals, and additional  policy and procedure click here.

Curriculog is a web-based proposal management system that integrates with the catalog system. It automates the process of creating and changing courses and programs. To access CCU's Curriculog system, click here.   

Listed below are training materials to help you navigate the system and curriculum process. Please check back frequently as new training videos, documents, and links to register for live training sessions will be added as we transition to this new system. 

If you have course or program proposals that you need assistance with, please contact the system administrator, Christina Genovevo at 843-349-2090.

Training Videos

Curriculog Traning Session 1 - Welcome to Curriculog
Currilog Training_Creating Agendas
Curriculog Training_Viewing Agendas
Curriculog Training_Searching Proposals
Curriculog Training_Approving Proposals
Curriculog Training - Motion Proposal Forms
Curriculog Training_Custom Routes

Course Proposals

Curriculog Training Session 2 - New Course Proposal
Curriculog Training Session 3 - Change Course Proposal
Curriculog Traning Session 4 - Course Removal Proposal
Curriculog Training Session 5 - Course Proposals for Univ Core Curriculum

Program Proposals

Programs and Shared Cores
Curriculog Training_Program Change Form
Curriculog Training_New Program Form_Part I
Curriculog Training_New Program Form_Part II

For questions regarding the meeting deadlines or Curriculog, contact the Curriculum Management Coordinator, Christina Genovevo, in the Office of the Provost. As indicated by the deadlines above, certain new programs and program changes require additional CHE approval. For more detailed information on the CHE process, paperwork required for proposals, and additional  policy and procedure click here.

Curriculum Management FAQ 

  1. When I start a course or program change proposal, why do the Approval Steps on the right side of the screen have errors and not show participants?
    FAQ screen shot 1

    This is due to the Hierarchy Owner not being correct. Some courses and programs were originally created under the University and need to be updated to show the proper department. To fix, remove the incorrect hierarchy name (clicking on the x) then select the correct department name from the list provided. Once you have selected the correct department, click save on the bottom and the Approval Steps will be updated.
    FAQ screen shot 2 
  1. Who do I contact if I cannot find the prefix or course type for the course proposal I am working on?
    Please contact the Curriculum Management Coordinator in the Office of the Provost for assistance at x2090 or you can create a help ticket my emailing 
  1. What is the difference between a pre-requisite or course restriction?
    A pre-requisite is normally something that must be completed by the student before registering for a class. This could be a class, multiple classes, a combination of classes along with completing (or being in the process) of completing a certain number of hours.
    A course restriction restricts registration into a course to a certain population of students. If the ONLY way for a student to register for a course is by being in a particular major/program, having instructor consent, and/or being in a particular group, this would be considered a course restriction.
    Please Note: If the student must complete a course(s) OR have instructor consent, that would be considered a pre-requisite. If instructor consent is the ONLY way a student can register, that would be a restriction.
  1. What is the difference of a course equivalency and a crosslisting?
    A course equivalency means two or more courses can be counted as the same thing and fulfill the same requirement. Both courses should indicate what the equivalent is in the catalog as seen below:
    FAQ screen shot 3
    A crosslisting is something that occurs at the section level and not needed when creating the course through the curriculum system. Crosslisting means two separate course section being taught at the same time, same place, and by the same instructor. This is determined when creating schedules for each semester and must be communicated with the Office of the Registrar so the sections can be crosslisted in the system.
    Please Note: The word crosslisting in the Curriculog system means something different than either of the above explanations. It is a process that when creating multiple proposals that need to go up at the same time. Currently this function is NOT being used. 
  1. Why was my proposal from last year deleted if it was not yet complete?
    The curriculum proposals run on a yearly academic cycle. Since the Curriculog program pulls information from the current draft catalog, once the new cycle begins and a new draft catalog is created, the old proposals are out of date. If the proposal does not meet the required deadlines, the system administrator may delete it, and you will need to reenter the proposal once the new cycle proposal forms are available. 
  1. I launched my proposal, but the department chair still has not seen it. Where is my proposal?
    In Curriculog there is a two-step process to move the initial proposal to the next level for approval. You as the initiator must first save and launch the proposal, then you MUST approve as the originator. You will see your launched proposals need your approval as the originator under the My Tasks tab as seen below. You will need to select all that apply then click Approve.
    FAQ screen shot 4
    If you need to modify the proposal before approving, simply click on the proposal name to open it and make any needed changes. Then click on the Decisions tab on the right side of the screen to make your decision. If you al also the department chair, please note you will need to sign off as the department chair as well.
    FAQ screen shot 5