
Core Curriculum Courses

Core Curriculum Courses

Current courses for the core curriculum can be found in the University Catalog. If you have specific question regarding the courses within the core, contact the Director of Core Curriculum

Courses offered in the core curriculum are not static. Faculty, departments, and colleges are encouraged to propose new courses. Course proposals should follow the current guidelines and include specific, measurable student learning outcomes based on the student learning outcomes for the core goal in the worksheet. 

Below are guidelines on submitting courses for the core and deadlines that need to be met in order to have your proposals reviewed by the Core Curriculum Committee. 


2024-2025 Meeting Dates and Deadlines:

Meeting Dates Curriculum Proposal Deadlines
August 16 August 9
September 20 September 13
October 18 October 11
November 15 November 8
December 20 December 13
January 17 January 10
February 21 February 14
March 21* March  14*
April 25 April 18
July 9 June 25

*Deadline for items to be considered for the 2025-2026 Catalog.


  1. Core curriculum courses can be double counted in the foundation and/or major and/or minor
    (though the actual number of credits can only be counted once), unless expressly prohibited
    by a specific major or minor

  2. Courses being submitted to the core must address all the student learning outcomes for the
    area of the new core in which they are being proposed.

  3. Courses submitted to the new core may not be limited to students in a specific major
  4. Courses in the current core must submit proposals for inclusion in the new core curriculum.

  5. To be considered for inclusion in the new core curriculum, each course proposal will need:
    • Student learning outcomes linked to the student learning outcomes for the respective
      core goal, (see worksheet).
    • A sample syllabus attached to the application, the sample syllabus should contain at
      minimum the learning outcomes for the class and an overview of the course content.
    • Zero prerequisites are preferred. If prerequisites are essential, these should be courses
      in the core curriculum.
  6. All proposals will be submitted and reviewed electronically through the Academic Affairs
    approval process (Department, College, Core Curriculum Committee, Academic Affairs, and
    Faculty Senate).

  7. The Core Curriculum Committee seeks proposals that encourage, but are not limited to:
    • Student engagement through active or experiential learning;
    • Innovative approaches to address historically high DWF rate;
    • Innovative approaches to courses with multiple sections and historically high
    • Innovative teaching practices;
    • Meaningful and effective assessment of student learning outcome and
    • Interdisciplinary approaches among two or more critical inquiry content areas.
  8. Acceptance of a course to the new core curriculum signifies that the department is agreeing
    to participate in assessment of the student learning outcomes of the course as part of the core
    curriculum assessment process. 

Adding Courses to the Core Curriculum

To add a course to the core curriculum, you will enter a proposal through the curriculum management site, Curriculog. Once logged into Curriculog, select New Proposal then select one of the following two proposal forms:

  • UNDERGRADUATE_NEW CORE Course 2024-2025 (For new courses not currently in the catalog that are being proposed.)

  •  UNDERGRADUATE_CORE Course Change 2024-2025 (For courses currently in the catalog that you want to add to the core curriculum. You can also use this form to make changes to a course currently in the core curriculum.)

Each Core goal area has a worksheet to guide faculty in aligning student work with the student learning outcomes for the goal. A copy of the completed worksheet needs to accompany each course proposal. You can download the worksheets below or in the proposal form in Curriculog.

Removing Courses from the Core Curriculum

At times, departments may find that courses previously offered as part of the core curriculum are no longer viable. When a department determines that they will no longer offer a course that is part of the core, use the UNDERGRADUATE_CORE Course Change 2024-2025 proposal form in Curriculog and indicate the course is being removed from the core. 

The Core Curriculum Committee reviews and approves or disapproves all core course proposals prior to the Academic Affairs Committee review. Be sure to review meeting deadlines to ensure your request is reflected in the upcoming catalog. 

If you have questions on how to create a proposal in Curriculog, contact the Curriculum Management Coordinator in the Office of the Provost. 

All courses in Core Curriculum must be assessed. It is recommended that data for core courses are collected every semester. The data are reported as well as findings and recommendations provided to the director of the core on a four-year rotation.

Core Course Continuous Review

Core Course Continuous Review began in 2019-20 on a four year rotation cycle. Process ensures that courses offered in the Core Curriculum have evidence of student learning outcomes which are aligned with the appropriate core goal area.

Core Course Assessment

Use the Value Rubrics for Assessment to help you collect the data The data will show the number of students in each category and their ability to meet the core curriculum student learning outcomes (SLOs):

0. N/A Null (Not Met): No evidence detected.

1. Beginning (Not met): Exhibiting a marked lack of competence.

2. Developing (Partially Met): In the process of becoming, becoming more prominent.

3. Proficient (Met): Undergoing development, growing, evolving.

4, Accomplished (Exceeded): Completed, done, effected, highly skilled.

The data is reported as well as finding and recommendations provided to the Director of the Core on a four-year rotation.

Value Rubrics for Assessment

Based on American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Liberal Education and America's Promise VALUE Rubrics, these rubrics align with the student learning outcomes from the worksheets. The rubrics below (pdfs) provide a model for assessment by providing common levels of student proficiency. While the language of the rubrics may be adapted by departments to reflect discipline specific terminology, having shared benchmarks of student learning will provide greater consistency in evaluating student achievement.

The rubrics are an essential part of the assessment and reporting process.

Core Course Planning and Recertification

Every good assessment starts with a plan. Prior to assessing your core course, you would need to provide a plan (spring semester prior to assessing your course). To complete your plan, please use this form


Due dates for items each academic year are as follows:

  • August 15 - Plans for assessment data collecting for Fall semester should be in place and communicated out to faculty who will be collecting the data. The necessary assessment tools and rubrics should also be provided. Example: Communication of Core Assessment plans for Academic Year (AY) 2023-2024 are due August 15th, 2023. 
  • November 1 -  Final versions of the core assessment plans for the year should be submitted if any changes were required. 
  • December 15 - Data collection for Fall semester should be finalized and ready to report if needed. 
  • January 15 (optional) - Data for Fall semester can be reported using the Anthology Outcomes platform.
  • January 15 - Plans for assessment data collecting for Spring semester should be in place and communicated out to faculty who will be collecting the data. The necessary assessment tools and rubrics should also be provided. 
  • March 1 - Deadline to submit core assessment plans and recertification. 
  • May 15 - Data collection for Spring semester should be finalized and ready to report if needed.
  • June 1 - ALL Fall and Spring data needs to be reported using the Anthology Outcomes platform. 

See the course calendar for assignments, due dates, and possible training/working workshops. 

Core Course Assessment (4-Year Rotation)

Courses in the Core Curriculum are assessed on a 4-year rotation schedule listed below. Results are reported by Departments to the Director of Core Curriculum.


Core Goal 1C      Communication Across Cultures
Core Goal 2B      Human and Social Behavior


Core Goal 1A      Critical Thinking
Core Goal 2D      Artistic Expression


Core Goal 1B      Critical Reading, Writing, and Information Literacy
Core Goal 2C      Humanistic Thought


Core Goal 1D      Quantitative Literacy
Core Goal 2A      Scientific Concepts

2022-23  cycle repeats from 2018-19