Step 6: Apply for Scholarships

Step 6: Apply for Scholarships

A popular myth surrounding education abroad is that students cannot afford it; however, every year, CCU students work closely with staff to fund international experiences without breaking the bank.



The truth is that some international programs are comparable in cost to studying at CCU for a semester.

Conversely, some programs cost more than the for an entire academic year. For this reason, it is imperative that students carefully research program options and are transparent with campus advisers about existing financial restraints. CCU recognizes that not all students who want to participate in education abroad are financially able to do so; however, this is often because students are unwilling to consider more affordable program options and/or do not give themselves enough time to apply for financial aid, loans and multiple scholarships. Funding is available, but students have to find it and plan far enough in advance to meet application deadlines.

The Education Abroad team is committed to supporting students by helping them to access academically relevant AND affordable international education experiences that take their degrees to the next level. All CCU students are encouraged to consider building study abroad into their degree plan. We welcome all students who meet CCU Education Abroad eligibility requirements to participate in our programs. Education abroad does not have to be financially out of reach. 

All eligible education abroad students can apply for several different CCU Education Abroad Scholarship. To assist with keeping international education affordable, CCU is committed to do the following:

  • Share resources and information about External Scholarships.

  • Work closely with Financial Aid and Scholarship office regarding the application of aid to international programs as well as opportunities to obtain loan and grant money.

  • Include discussion in advising appointments and pre-departure orientations about financial need and budgeting.

  • Assist students in understanding program costs, currency and foreign exchange rates, and cost of living differences between the host country and South Carolina.

  • Partner with institutions that are also committed to providing support to students with high financial need by providing transparent program costs, low application fees and opportunities to set up payment plans.

Some students make great efforts when applying for grant money, whereas others do not submit a single scholarship application. We consistently see the students who cast a wide net by applying to several funding sources pay their way successfully.

Even when parents, guardians, or mentors are able and willing to cover the cost of a student's education in full, we encourage students to invest in their own education by contributing a portion, however large or small, to the total program cost. With skin in the game, students may be more likely to accept responsibility for planning their own experience. Upon return, students who help pay for their international program – sometimes by picking up a part-time job, taking out a loan, and/or receiving scholarships – may be able to recognize more readily the many benefits of having studied or interned abroad program with CCU.

Typically there is not an enormous amount of money available from one single source, but a focused effort by a student can yield a substantial amount of funding to apply toward an international program! For more information, contact Financial Aid for Education Abroad.