Writing Center

The Writing Center provides one-on-one writing consultations for all Coastal students, regardless of major, subject, or level of writing proficiency. Our team is eager to assist with any writing assignment at any stage of the composition process, from early brainstorming to the final stages of proofreading.

During the remainder of the Summer II term, all appointments will be by appointment. For students who would like to meet with a tutor online, Zoom appointments can be made by clicking on the “Individual Appointments” link below and following the directions you find there. A small number of in-person appointments (held in Kearns 210) will also be available, but the majority of available tutoring slots will be on Zoom for the remainder of the Summer II term. 

If you need help making an appointment, please call us during our open hours at (843) 349-2937 or contact the Writing Center Coordinator at writingcenter@coastal.edu.

Summer I and II 2024

June 3–August 2

Mon.-Fri.: 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.

Please note:

  • The Writing Center is currently in the process of moving to Thompson 227 (the new building next to Kimbel Library), so walk-in appointments are not available for the remainder of the Summer II term.
  • During the remainder of the Summer II term, all appointments will be by appointment, with online (Zoom) appointments as the default mode.
  • We will be closed on Thurs., July 4 for Independence Day.

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