Return to Travel - Education Abroad Exchange International Internship or Third Party

Return to Travel – Education Abroad - Exchange, International Internships, Third Party

Education abroad travel sponsored by Coastal Carolina University through exchange partners, international internship providers, or third party providers with COVID-19 support plans that have been reviewed by the Center for Global Engagement may resume mobility on July 1, 2021.

APRIL 1, 2021: Application deadline for all exchange, international internships, and third party provider programs for Summer 2021 (travel beginning July 1) and for Fall Semester 2021 are due.

The procedures below will help students and departments to facilitate this process, and expectations of all those participating in the education abroad experience are provided for reference, along with links to resources that may be of assistance as you plan your travel. 

Should you wish to propose physical mobility to begin before July 1, 2021, please complete the same process below requesting an exception to the timeline approved.

For questions related to Education Abroad (exchange and third party programs), please contact Lori Patterson (

For questions related to international internships, please contact Robert Bulsza (

Travel resumption processes for other purposes can be reached by the links at the bottom of this page.


  • For Exchange Programs and Third Party Education Abroad Programs:
    • Review the program offerings on the CCU Education Abroad site ( to identify programs of interest, and those beginning after July 1, 2021.
    • Attend Abroad 101 each Tuesday and Wednesday from 12 - 1pm (Eastern) to learn more about the programs.
    • Participate in the Virtual Education Abroad Expo from 4 - 6pm (Eastern) on Wednesday, March 17, 2021.
    • Apply through the designated link on the specific program’s website. Only those programs already approved to have COVID-19 support will be enabled for application.  Be sure that you meet the application deadline as noted for the respective program. 
    • A limited number of scholarships will be available this application cycle.
  • For International Internships, please review options at and follow the directions as provided at
  • Coordination of your application will take place with the appropriate partner institution or organization and you will be informed about the disposition of your application.
  • When your program is approved:
    • You will work with the Center for Global Engagement to coordinate:
      • Mandatory Pre-Departure Training and Other Information Sharing to Support your Preparation for the Program
      • Approvals of Your Academic Coursework through your Academic Department
      • Preparation of Your Own Emergency Safety Plan prior to departure
      • Travel Authorization and Mandatory International Insurance Coverage
      • Attestation of Vaccination or COVID-19 Test within 72-hours of departure for the approved travel and within 72 hours of return to campus.
    • All students are expected to review the links below for more information about their destination, entry requirements, etc. as these can be anticipated to change regularly.

Travel that is approved during COVID-19 will carry the following expectations of and acknowledgements by travelers:

  • CCU strongly recommends that travelers get vaccinated against COVID-19 before travel. 
  • Travelers will be responsible for completing an attestation of either having been vaccinated or having taken a COVID-19 test with negative results within 72 hours of departure for the travel and to be tested within 72 of returning back to campus (unless they have been vaccinated against COVID within three months of travel or have tested positive for COVID-19 in the 90 days before travel).
  • Travelers will commit to informing themselves and reviewing materials provided to them to support their information and preparation for travel to support their health, safety, and security.
  • Travelers will be responsible for complying with all return to work/campus directives in place at CCU at the time of return from travel.
  • Travelers understand that conditions continue to change, and they agree to comply with the updated guidance and requirements related to entry to or transit through the respective locations of their travel. 
  • Travelers will commit to following COVID protocols as required by CCU, including wearing a mask, maintaining social distance where possible, frequent hand sanitation, and avoiding crowds, pre-departure training (if and as required), as well as any additional guidance as noted by the locations through which and to which they are traveling to minimize the risk of COVID-19 spread to themselves and others.  
  • Travelers will acknowledge that CCU will continue to review conditions for each location, including whether permission to enter the country is presently available in determining whether to approve, when to approve, and when to move to make adjustments, up to and including cancellation.
  • Travelers acknowledge that CCU may cancel the approved travel at any time up to departure, or while underway, should CCU determine that it is in the best interest of the university to cancel, recall, or suspend travel for any reason. 

