Interpersonal Violence - Coastal Carolina University
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LiveWell Interpersonal Violence Prevention Services provides individual confidential advocacy to CCU community members impacted by any form of sexual misconduct, regardless of when or where it has occurred.

Our confidential advocate will empower students to make their own choices and is not required to disclose anyone’s identity. The Advocate is here to support students however they decide to proceed as they begin to recover and heal from what happened.

Here are some of the ways the Confidential Advocate may assist students:

  • Academic assistance
  • Housing relocation assistance
  • Accompaniment to medical care
  • Accompaniment to Title IX, Student Conduct, meetings and other appointments related to what happened


CCU students, faculty, and staff may call the confidential advocate during university business hours 8:30-5:00 M-F 843-333-2266(mobile) or 843-349-2304 (office).

Below is list of resources. It is the student’s decision as to whether or not to utilize these resources:

Campus Resources


The below resources are not fully confidential. However, your privacy will be maintained.

The following non-confidential resources are available to offer resources and support:

Community Resources
Supportive Measures for Students
Supportive measures for faculty and staff
Awareness, Prevention, Intervention, and Culture Change

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