Dimensions of Wellness

Select a wellness topic below for information related to that topic. You may visit https://www.coastal.edu/livewell/wellbeing/ for additional resources on each topic.

picture of wellness icon picture of emotional wellness icon picture of spiritual wellness icon picture of environmental wellness icon picture of occupational wellness icon 
picture of cultural wellness icon picture of intellectual wellness icon picture of social wellness icon picture of financial wellness icon 

picture of wellness iconPhysical Wellness

Promote and support positive, safe, and sustainable habits that take care of the body for optimal health and functioning

The Student Health Center provides quality primary care and prevention and education services that are student-centered with an emphasis on teaching personal responsibility for health and wellness.

Be active! University Recreation offers a variety of classes and activities. CCU offers nutrition consulting to students offered by the LiveWell Office.

Sexual Health

Taking responsibility for your reproductive health is important. Myths and misinformation about sex and birth control are very common for college students. Here you will find resources to help you make the best decision for you and your partner.

If you have further questions we encourage you to schedule an appointment with Student Health Services.

Eat well

Adapted from Eat Smart, Move More South Carolina

Campus dining offers many healthy options to be found on campus. Save money and take advantage of your meal plan. You may find a beautiful spot on campus to pack a lunch with healthy options.

Rethink your drink: Do you pay attention to what or how much you drink each day? It's easy to grab a high-calorie soda or fruit drink on the go, but all those extra calories can quickly add up. Before picking up that bottle of soda, think about choosing something healthy, like water, low-fat or non-fat milk.

Right size your portions: When it comes to portion sizes, bigger is not always better. Portion sizes have increased greatly over time, which can lead to eating more calories than we really need. Super-sized meals may seem like a good value, but we may pay for it with poor health.

Eat more meals at home: Eating smart at home will not only reduce the amount of fat and calories you eat – it can even save you time and money. Start with your roommates to help with planning, shopping, and preparing meals to make it a true team effort.

Eat more fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables offer important nutrients and can help prevent some diseases. They are also low in calories, and help you keep a healthy weight. Whether fresh, frozen, canned or dried, fruits and vegetables are quick, delicious and convenient. They will help keep you healthy all year round.

Provide the best start: Eating a smart breakfast leads to healthier choices all day long. Fresh fruit or granola bars are great grab and go options.

Everyone deserves support for their eating concerns, and Psychology Tools provides assessment tools. Do you have concerns about personal eating behaviors? This screening tool may be helpful to connect you to resources that may help in addition to professional help. 

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Emotional Wellnesspicture of emotional wellness icon

Identify, express and navigate the entire range of feelings, having self-awareness and the ability to cope with challenges, embracing not only our own emotions and feelings but also the feelings and emotions of others.

Counseling services are offered to Coastal Carolina University students to assist students in defining and accomplishing their personal and academic goals. 

Emotional Health for CCU students

Mind, body and spirit are inseparably linked. To be healthy, students must not only pay attention to fitness and disease prevention, but also to emotional health.

  • Sometimes students come to college with past traumas that need to be addressed.
  • Sometimes fully participating in college leads to considerable emotional stress.
  • Sometimes bad things happen in college that lead to emotional distress.
  • Sometimes mental diseases first appear in young adulthood.

These are all good reasons to be proactive in promoting emotional health. The resources on this page provide information about counseling services available to students, self-help opportunities, and ways to get involved in promoting emotional well being of all CCU students.

Campus Resources

Counseling Services offers a wide variety of clinical services to students including individual, couples, and group counseling; psychiatric consultation, clinical assessment and testing; nutrition counseling; crisis services; substance abuse services; and referrals. Specialized types and styles of counseling are also offered such as hypnosis, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and dialectic behavior therapy. All clinicians are appropriately licensed in their fields.

Crisis Services: Students experiencing a psychological emergency can be seen immediately in Counseling Services. During regular office hours (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.), a student can simply “show up” and be seen. Crisis services are offered after hours when students are experiencing psychological emergencies such as suicidal behavior, sexual assault, or psychotic thoughts. A counselor can be reached after hours by contacting Public Safety at 843-349-2911.

picture of spiritual wellness icon

Spiritual Wellness

Explore and develop values and beliefs in order to guide decision-making and create meaning and purpose

The Spiritual Life Council seeks to positively impact the campus community by nurturing hope, peace, joy and resolve while encouraging spiritual growth in an ecumenical and caring environment.

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Environmental Wellnesspicture of environmental wellness icon

Recognize our responsibility for the quality of the environment and considering the interactions between our environment, our social community and ourselves

The TD Campus and Community Sustainability Initiative, also known as Sustain Coastal, is committed to transform Coastal Carolina University into an environmentally sustainable university through campus operations, student curriculum, engaging students through learning and outreach, and collaboration in the community through sustainable stewardship of resources.

picture of occupational wellness icon

Occupational Wellness

Explore opportunities and develop skills to succeed in finding fulfillment from our work and study, contributing meaningfully, and continuing to expand our skills and strengths

It is in your freshman year that you begin the career development process to decide the direction you want your career to take and what kind of college major you will need to get there.

Career Services offers professionally trained staff offering: 

  • Career Counseling
  • College Major Consultation
  • Internships/Service Learning
  • Job Search Assistance
  • Professional Networking 

picture of cultural wellness icon

Cultural Wellness

Effectively interact across differences, gain awareness of our own culture and social identities and their impact on our understanding of what we bring to relationships and situations, develop skills to decrease our biases, embracing the richness of all cultural backgrounds

Coastal Carolina University (CCU) is committed to providing the best possible environment for all individuals within the campus community. An important step in creating a truly diverse, equitable and inclusive community is to understand student, staff and faculty perspectives and experiences related to their work and study at CCU.

The Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is comprised of its administrative office, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI), Intercultural and Inclusion Student Services (IISS), and the Center for Global Engagement and Accessibility and Disability Services (ADS). 

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Intellectual Wellnesspicture of intellectual wellness icon

Explore new ideas, engage in forward, independent thinking and problem-solving, seek out challenges, lifelong learning and opportunities to share knowledge

Utilize the range of services offered at the Kimbel Library and Bryan Information Commons.

The Coastal Student Success Center is here to promote student learning and provide robust, comprehensive support for students enrolled at Coastal Carolina University. Our student-centered staff aims to support students in developing skills and strategies to enhance their academic and personal performance. The Coastal Student Success Center includes Academic Coaching Experience and the Tutoring and Learning Center, as well as the Bridge and CEal (Coastal Excellence and Leadership) programs.

picture of social wellness icon

Social Wellness

Develop, foster and maintain healthy and supportive relationships based on trust, honesty and respect as well as the ability to communicate and deal with conflict

Get involved, explore your passions, get to know other students and make an impact on campus: Student Organizations, Greek Life and Student ActivitiesCivic Engagement offers to connect CCU students with an environment where students can learn about themselves and their community by taking action through service and advocating for lasting social change. Learn more about becoming a leader at CCU.

Discover more unique opportunities at Coastal Carolina University through Coastal Connections.

picture of financial wellness icon

Financial Wellness

Make informed choices about funding for basic needs, managing debt, saving and making sustainable choices for the future

Financial Aid and Scholarships provides students with resources in regard to financial literacy in regard to personal budgets, saving money, debt and credit management, and loan repayment.

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