Faculty Affiliates

 Faculty Affiliates

Spring 2017


Well-behaved women seldom make history

- Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Faculty Affiliates         

Elizabeth Baltes (Art History & Interdisciplinary Studies) [former advisory board member; teaches ARTH 360]

Edurne Beltran de Heredia (Languages and Intercultural Studies)

Amanda Brian (History)

Hannah Coffman (Health Sciences) [teaches PUBH 310, PUBH 480]

Linsay Cramer (Communication, Media, and Culture)

Kevin Ferguson (Theater) [teaches VPA 103 "LGBTQ Theater"]

Joseph Fitsanakis (Intelligence and National Security)

Kristen Fleckenstein (English) [teaches ENGL 351]

Simone Gause (Education)

Tatiana Height (Sustainability and Coastal Resilience)

Tiffany Hollis (Education) [teaches EDUC 215]

Kyle Holody (Communication, Media and Culture)

Emma Howes (English)

Robert Jenkot (Sociology) [former advisory board member; teaches SOC 301]

Chelsea Kaunert (Recreation and Sport Management) [current advisory board member; teaches RSM 201]

Hannah Liebreich (Criminology)

Tabitha Lowery (English)

Todd Madigan (Sociology) [teaches SOC 300, SOC 309]

Danny Malone (Sociology)

Jaime McCauley (Sociology) [teaches SOC 301, SOC 309, SOC 465]

Fredanna McGough (Health Sciences) [teaches PUBH 310, PUBH 480]

Jennifer Mokos (HTC Honors College) [current advisory board member; teaches WGST 303, WGST 350, WGST 410/610]

Maggi Morehouse (History)

Anna Mukamal (Digital Culture and Design)

John Navin (History)

Charles Norton (Interdisciplinary Studies)

Shari Orisich (History)

Tripthi Pillai (English) [current advisory board member; teaches WGST 301, ENGL 489]

Nils Rauhut (Philosophy and Religious Studies)

Kevin Regan-Maglione (Languages and Intercultural Studies)

Sara Rich (HTC Honors College)

Sangeeta Saxena (Public Health)

Sandrine Schaefer (Visual Arts) [current advisory board member] 

Jennifer Schlosser (Sociology)

Eric Schultz (Music)

Renee Searfoss (History)

Dory Sibley (Theater) [teaches THEA 321]

Stephanie Southworth (Sociology) [teaches SOC 309]

Ami Stearns (Sociology)

Atiya Stokes-Brown (Political Science)

Benjamin Sota (Theater)

Xinyi Tan (Languages and Intercultural Studies)

Andrew Terranova (Psychology) [teaches PSYC 300]

Jonathan Trerise (Philosophy and Religious Studies)

Wendy Weinhold (Communication, Media, and Culture) [teaches COMM 304, COMM 345]

Matthew Wilkinson (Sociology)

Misti Williams (Communication, Media, and Culture) [teaches COMM 345]

Lisa Winters (Sociology) [teaches SOC 305, SOC 450]


Faculty Affiliation Criteria

Affiliate faculty status is required for courses to count toward the Women's and Gender Studies majors and minor. To become a faculty affiliate of the Women's and Gender Studies Program, please send the following materials to wgsprogram@coastal.edu:

1) an updated CV
2) a statement that describes
         a. your interest in and experiences with WGS and how your work/teaching meets the program's mission and
             goals, which I have pasted below
         b. any courses you currently teach or hope to teach that you would like to count toward the majors/minor
         c. how else you might like to be involved with the program, e.g. as a member of our advisory board, a
             presenter of your research at a brown bag lunch, an organizer of events, a guest lecturer in WGS core
             classes, etc.

 Benefits of being an affiliated faculty member of WGS:

  • Only courses taught by affiliated faculty members can count toward the WGS majors and minor;
  • Affiliated faculty may have input on decisions affecting WGS;
  • Affiliated faculty may serve on the WGS advisory board.

After application for affiliate status, the director of Women's and Gender Studies will notify you and your department head of the decision.

Starting with the Fall 2023 semester, we'll be asking affiliates to complete 2 tasks per semester from the following list to assist the WGS community:

    • attend/lead a WGS-sponsored or -affiliated event  
    • facilitate a classroom visit (either visit a class to promote WGS or offer your class as a space for a visit)
    • table for WGS 
    • be an advisory board member  
    • mentor a WGS student/project 
    • teach a cross-listed class (including study abroad) 
    • help with recruitment

Thank you for your support!